May I introduce Sally Morganthawler, a woman who has a voice and perspective needed in this time of transition. I had the pleasure of listening to her story for an etrek class. www.theooze.com/etrek/ For two days I joined in a conversation about gender issues and flattened leadership at www.Biblical.edu . It was during these two days and nights I found hope for the future of the church.
The church has left the building and it is time for us to hear the voices from beyond the organized religion.
Why is it open source programs and web 2.0 created a new world order? What is it about giving the power to the users and watching what happens so facinating? What if the church used some of the phylosaphy behind open source communication? What would happen if we began to view organizations a living things?
The church has left the building and it is time for us to hear the voices from beyond the organized religion.
Why is it open source programs and web 2.0 created a new world order? What is it about giving the power to the users and watching what happens so facinating? What if the church used some of the phylosaphy behind open source communication? What would happen if we began to view organizations a living things?
There is no one in charge and there is no one who controls content. Yet people are finding information, connection, community, a voice, friends, partners, relationships, meaning and much more... The information age is on and the church has been left in the dust.
Before you make a decision you have to check with the comity. Before you check with the comity, you have to check with the team leader and if the team leader veto's it then what do we do... But there are people suffering and people in need, and their voices have left the building.
So where do we go from here. Who are the voices we must listen to? For me the voices of Sally www.trueconversations, Todd Littleton http://www.toddlittleton.net/ have been a source of encouragment and hope. Friendships with www.jrbriggs.com and www.toddhiestand.com have helped give me a voice in the christian conversation. Most importantly my wife, my faith community, www.livingroomconversations.com have brought me back to a relationship with God, through the incarnation of Christ and the dream of God.
Before you make a decision you have to check with the comity. Before you check with the comity, you have to check with the team leader and if the team leader veto's it then what do we do... But there are people suffering and people in need, and their voices have left the building.
So where do we go from here. Who are the voices we must listen to? For me the voices of Sally www.trueconversations, Todd Littleton http://www.toddlittleton.net/ have been a source of encouragment and hope. Friendships with www.jrbriggs.com and www.toddhiestand.com have helped give me a voice in the christian conversation. Most importantly my wife, my faith community, www.livingroomconversations.com have brought me back to a relationship with God, through the incarnation of Christ and the dream of God.
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